Specified Skilled Worker
For more information, please visit these websites:

There are three tests for Specified Skilled Worker jobs in nursing care: Nursing Care Skills Evaluation Test, Nursing Care Japanese Language Evaluation Test, and a test to measure the level of Japanese language proficiency.
The Nursing Care Skills Evaluation Test and the Nursing Care Japanese Language Evaluation Test set the standard for workers to be an immediate asset in each field by measuring professional skills and knowledge of Japanese used on-site in nursing care.
The level of Japanese language proficiency can be measured by the Japan Foundation Test for Basic Japanese or the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (N4 or better is required).
The following 3 tests will be explained in order:
① Japan Foundation Test for Basic Japanese (Abbr: JFT-Basic) or Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (N4 or better)
② Nursing Care Japanese Language Evaluation Test
③ Nursing Care Skills Evaluation Test
To study for the tests to get the Specified Skilled Worker (i) in nursing care residence status, you can either study by yourself using textbooks/other materials or enroll in a Japanese language school. This article will introduce some recommended textbooks and websites for those who will primarily study on their own.
The country of Japan, local governments, industry organizations and facilities all offer support in various ways in an effort to make foreign nationals feel comfortable coming to Japan to be care workers.
They not only provide support for you as a care worker, but also offer a wide range of comprehensive support ranging from language issues to information for daily living.
1. Advance Guidance
2. Pick-up and drop-off when entering and leaving the country
3. Support with necessary contracts for securing housing and daily life needs
4. Orientation for daily life
5. Accompaniment and assistance to places for government paperwork
6. Providing opportunities to study Japanese
7. Handling consultations and complaints
8. Facilitating social and cultural interaction with Japanese people
9. Support for changing jobs (e.g. due to personnel cuts)
10. Regular personnel meetings and reporting to government agencies

This service provides support for foreign care workers by promoting the appeal of the nursing care field in Japan, the benefits they get from the experience and skills they learn, the peace of mind they will have while working in Japan, etc.
This group provides opportunities for foreign care workers to interact with their peers, as well as offers consultations for foreign care workers regarding any issues they may have working in nursing care or social issues in their daily life outside of work.
a website to support international care workers, is a comprehensive platform for foreigners studying or already working in nursing care in Japan that offers complete support for improving Japanese proficiency, and for acquiring essential nursing care skills. For learning Japanese to be effective, it is important for learners to study independently. That environment is provided by “Nihongo wo Manabou”. The purpose is to acquire Japanese proficiency (N3 level) and fundamental nursing care skills. The website also provides preparation material for each test, content for guidance counselors, as well as providing SNS links for sharing information and connecting with their peers. You can also browse study material for “Nursing Care Japanese” and the “Nursing Care Skills Evaluation Test”.
The site is available in Japanese and also in these nine languages: English, Khmer, Indonesian, Nepali, Mongolian, Burmese, Vietnamese, Chinese and Thai.