We interview Pornpanitta Torpithakpong, who is from Thailand and lives in Ibaraki prefecture.
Pornpanitta Torpithakpong ・Country of origin : Thailand ・Year of arrival in Japan : 2019 ・Status of residence : Technical Intern Trainee ・Japanese skill : N2
Why did you come to Japan? What made you decide to come to Japan?
I want to learn about the elderly nursing care system in Japan and want to enhance my Japanese language skills.
What sparked your interest in becoming a care worker?
I want to take care of the elderly so that they have their best quality of life until the end of their life.
What makes you feel rewarded and happy about doing care work?
To see the elderly having good life quality and staying good and healthy every day.
What are the good points about the nursing care facility you are currently working in?
The elderly can carry out their daily life per their ability. And there are staff to take care of the things they can’t.
What are the good points about the region you are currently living in?
The weather in Ibaraki isn’t very cold. Thai people can survive.
What are the most impressive memories and episodes of your life in Japan?
When I was studying and working with my Japanese and foreigner colleagues, I was very happy.
What makes you happy about working as a care worker?
To see the elderly having a healthy life and to see their smiles every day.
What was your first experience working as a care worker?
I have no prior experience in nursing care. This is my first time working like this.
Did you find any nursing care work to be difficult?
The difficult thing is the elderly have different health and illness conditions so it is a little bit hard to take care them.
Have you ever received a compliment from someone you work with? What did they say to you?
My colleagues told me that I work very fast and my Japanese skills have improved.
After working as a care worker, has the image of nursing care service changed?
Nothing has changed from the beginning.
After working as a care worker, is there anything from that experience which you find useful to your life?
I learned a lot of new Japanese words about diseases and health conditions and it helps me work easier.
What are your goals and dreams for the future?
My dream is to pass both N1 for Japanese language test and the Certified Care Worker test.
What is your message to those who are thinking of being a care worker in Japan?
Please come try working in Japan and experiencing the nursing care work yourselves.
How did you study Japanese and care work?
At first I was studying Japanese at the school in Chiangmai. When I came to work here in Japan, I attended Japanese and nursing care classes, then I passed the N2 test.
How long have you been studying Japanese since you came to Japan?
I have been studying Japanese for about 2 years.
What do you think is difficult to study Japanese?
The difficulties are Kanji and grammar that is very different from Thai language.
What are some ideas and tips for improving Japanese language skills quickly?
Reading news and watching TV in Japanese can help you improve your Japanese skill.
What was difficult about studying for the care work?
Technical terms and disease names are the difficult things about studying for the care work.
Was there any difficulty getting information about nursing care jobs once you learned about the jobs but before arriving in Japan? How did you resolve this problem?
The difficulties I still face are usually language problems. So I need to study more.
What do you do on your days off?
I usually play games and read novels on my day off.
What is your favorite Japanese food?
My favorite Japanese foods are sushi and ramen.
What do you feel is very different between your country and Japan?
The difference between Japan and Thailand that I felt is the culture, which is very different.
Where is your favorite scenic spot in Ibaraki?
The place I like going to is the Navel Park.
What advice would you give to people in your own country who are thinking about coming to Japan?
For people who want to work in Japan, I recommend you to prepare your Japanese skill and if you want to work as a care worker I also recommend that you study a lot of the technical terms.
